Our commitment is to ensure that people everywhere and at any time have access to equitable and quality healthcare services. We work with Community Health Workers (CHWs) as frontliners to achieve this goal.
Our CHW model is supported by clinical outreaches, a Community health Centre namely; Nama Wellness Community Centre (NAWEC) HC III located in Lukojjo, and strong government health centres in areas where we operate. CHWs are selected by their communities and work as intermediaries between local populations and the formal health system.
Our model was designed to improve access to healthcare, promote health education, mobilize communities for health events, promote healthy lifestyles, and address health disparities faced mainly by women and children. Since our founding, significant milestones have been reached; 178,206 direct service beneficiaries, 102, 485 client visits at NAWEC HCIII, 36,356 outreach clients, 15,668 children immunized, 665 women and adolescent managed for depression and anxiety, 13,890 women received family planning services, 5,777 women received family planning (Sayana press) from CHWs, 596 babies delivered at NAWEC HCIII since 2020, 261,085 household visits conducted by CHWs,100 CHW trained, equipped, supervised, and incentivised,12,242 malaria cases treated by CHWs (children under five years), 4,987 pneumonia cases treated by CHWs, 3,260 diarrhea cases treated by CHWs, and 4 government health facilities supported.